Saturday, March 22, 2008

New Website now online

You've reached our old website at

You can find the most up-to-date information about St. Columba's as well as details of our Hall to let on our new website at:

Please bookmark the new site for future reference.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What's on in October 2007

Sunday 7 October 10am All Age Eucharist for Creation, harvest and St Francis
Group C lunch
8pm Extended Eucharist

Sunday 14 October 10am Sung Eucharist Sermon The Rector
Christian Education Second Sunday series resumes with the
Rev John Whitley 'The people of God at worship in the early church'
8pm Extended Eucharist

Sunday 21 October 10.30am TLC Joint Service with the Bishop of Edinburgh
followed by bring and share lunch All welcome!
8pm Taize service

Sunday 28 October 10am Sung Eucharist Sermon Canon John Richardson
8pm Extended Eucharist

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Getting into the Rat Race

This is Team 49 otherwise known as the Greyfriars on Saturday evening in Princes Street gardens getting ready for the next leg of the Rat Race.

Peter, Colm and Doneil are raising money for the Kirkhouse project.

Sunny Hill Walk

Despite all the recent rain, the sun shone brightly on those who joined Alan Grieve as he led us on a very enjoyable hill walk in the Pentlands near West Linton.

After the walk, the hikers enjoyed a well-deserved drink at the Allan Ramsay Hotel.

Easter Sunday Eucharist

Early on Easter morning, an ecumenical communion in Greyfriars Kirkyard.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Summer at St Columba's

Sunday 1st July 10am Sung Eucharist Sermon & Children's Address The Revd John Whitley
8pm Extended Eucharist

Sunday 8th July 10am Sung Eucharist & Holy Baptism for Grace Flowerdew Sermon Canon John Richardson

Sunday 15th July 10am Sung Eucharist Sermon The Rector
Today we have our regular trip to see Harry Potter 1.15pm at the Odeon

Sunday 22nd July 10am Sung Eucharist Sermon Canon John Richardson
Coffee is served at the back of church

Sunday 29th July 10am Sung Eucharist Sermon The Rector
Coffee is served at the back of church

Sunday 5th August 10am Sung Eucharist Sermon The Revd John Whitley
Coffee is served at the back of church

Sunday 12th August 10am Sung Eucharist Sermon The Revd Robert Gould
(Parish Weekend at the Cathedral of the Isles on Cumbrae)

Sunday 19th August Sung Eucharist and Holy Baptism Sermon Canon John Richardson

Sunday 26th August 10am Sung Eucharist Sermon The Revd Robert Gould
TLC trip to Inchcolm Abbey Leaves Queensferry at 10.30am

Sunday 2nd September 10am Sung Eucharist
Underchurch resumes in the hall

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Pentecost Eucharist on Lindisfarne

On Sunday 27th May, Pentecost 2007, people travelled from four different congregations in Edinburgh to the Holy Island of Lindisfarne to be renewed and perhaps to find a new experience. This echoes the account of Pentecost in the Acts of the Apostles when people came together from different traditions to worship God and they received the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

What's happening in June 2007?

Sunday 3rd June Trinity Sunday
10am Sung Eucharist Sermon: The Revd Robert Gould
8pm Extended Eucharist

Sunday 10th June Patronal Festival
10am All Age Eucharist for St Columba followed by bring and share parish lunch
8pm Extended Eucharist

Sunday 17th June
10am Sung Eucharist Sermon : The Revd Jenny Williams, chaplain to the Christian Fellowship of Healing
11.45-12.30pm Resources Company AGM
8pm Extended Eucharist

Sunday 24th June
10am Sung Eucharist Sermon: The Revd Alison Wagstaff
8pm Extended Eucharist

Monday, April 02, 2007

Holy Week and Easter 2007

Palm Sunday 10am Procession with Palms followed by a dramatic reading of the Passion Gospel
8pm Taize Service (next one Sunday 3rd June 8pm)

Monday in Holy Week 8am Said Eucharist
Tuesday in Holy Week 8am Said Eucharist
Wednesday in Holy Week 8am Said Eucharist

Maundy Thursday 8am Said Eucharist and 7.30pm Aramaic Lord's Prayer with the Revd Jenny Williams and Holy Communion at Greyfriats Tolbooth and Highland Kirk

Good Friday 8am Mass of the pre-sancitfied
12noon - 3pm Three Hours Service at Augustine United with Aawar Anwar and Stewart Cunningham, Human Rights' lawyers from Glasgow. 8.30pm Tenebrae at St Columba's-by-the-Castle Episcopal Church

Holy Saturday 8am Morning Prayer

Easter Sunday 10am Procession with the Easter Candle followed by Sung Eucharist Sermon : The Rector
8pm Extended Eucharist

Low Sunday 15th April 10am Sung Eucharist and Holy Baptism, Sermon The Revd Alison Wagstaff, followed by Parish Lunch
8pm Extended Eucharist

Sunday 22nd April 10am Sung Eucharist Sermon: The Rector
8pm Extended Eucharist

Sunday 29th April 10am Sermon The Revd Robert Gould
8pm Extended Eucharist

Sunday 6th May 10am Sung Eucharist Sermon The Revd Alison Wagstaff
8pm Extended Eucharist

Sunday 13th May 10am Sung Eucharist Sermon David Wedderburn, Lay Reader
11.45am Christian Education Session on 'Claire of Assisi' with Liza Coates TSSF
8pm Extended Eucharist

Sunday 20th May 10am Sung Eucharist Sermon Canon John Richardson
11.45am Social Responsibility Session Fair
12.30pm Hill Walk see Alan Grieve
8pm Extended Eucharist

Pentecost Sunday 27th May
TLC trip to Lindisfarne coach leaves 9am and returns by 6pm
11am Ecumenical Communion service with the Revd David Coleman at Augustine United
8pm Extended Eucharist at STCS